Your monthly dose of Mallercast has arrived!
We talk about sitting on the couch, cool spacesuits, and ice cream trucks…
Okay. So, last month we promised you a new show format. It was going to be an edited, highly-polished, story-telling type of radio show. This American Life. Radiolab. 99% Invisible. Mallercast. Cut from the same cloth.
It didn’t work out that way.
Why? Well, we explain in the show. Give it a listen. It’s fun.
Is the dream dead? No sir. Just wait until October. Then you’ll see. We’re going to knock your NPR-branded socks off. In the meantime, we sort of return to the old format. Tech talk!
This month, we wax poetic about the recently revealed SpaceX Spacesuit:
Thanks for listening, dear human. We will be back with another episode… uhh… sometime soon-esque. 👌