Surprise! iPhone 12 costs $100 more than iPhone 11

Earlier this week Apple announced 4 new iPhone models and a smart speaker that’s the same size and shape as a snow globe. There was a lot of information to take in, with 5G being added to the phones, a built-in magnetic charging thing, and some fancy camera tech that’s exclusive to the most expensive …

iPhone 11 report card: 9-month review [episode 43]

My wife and I have both been using the iPhone 11 for 9 months non-stop, and I figured we should give it a report card, seeing as the new iPh0ne models will arrive in 2 months. Read on for a written review, or hit play on the podcast episode below on the topic (skip to …

How to start making a Final Cut Pro X video

I often forget how to do things I occasionally want to do, so I write down notes that remind me how to do them. Instead of storing these notes privately, I publish them on this blog so others can maybe benefit. Because it’s confusing, I always forget how to properly begin a video project in …

Review of Apple Watch Series 5 after 7 months of use

When September of 2019 rolled around, I had no intention of upgrading my Apple Watch Series 4 to whatever it was going to be replaced by. My watch was in good shape, it was much better than the Series 3 it replaced, and nothing could tempt me away from it. Then the Series 5 was …

What it’s like to switch from an iPhone 6 to an iPhone 11

A great number of people have been happily using the iPhone 6 for many years, but like blue jeans that eventually get holes in the crotch — you need to replace ’em before you end up naked in the streets. Myself and several members of my family switched from the iPhone 6 to the iPhone …

I’m onboard with Apple Card — it’s a welcome change

I’ve been using credit cards for a long time, and the experience has always been unpleasurable. I usually stay in control and never slip too far into debt, but the cards are still a source of stress. A few months ago I decided to stop using them completely. Points and rewards are nice, but constant …

How to back-up iPhone photos without paying for iCloud

I love Apple for certain things, like my Macintosh computers, and I greatly prefer using an iPhone over using Android mobile devices. But there are some things from Apple that I truly do not like. For example, the “Photos” program that comes pre-loaded on Mac computers is absolutely terrible. Another example is iCloud.

How to survive the MacBook nuclear winter with a Siracusintosh

Anyone who uses a MacBook (Pro, Air, etc.) needs to recognize the dire state of Apple’s current laptop lineup. While they’re still incredible machines in their hearts, the positive qualities are mostly canceled out by the shortcomings of their faulty butterfly keyboards, and other problems, like a simple wire that wears out after three years …

One month with the Apple Watch Series 4: A review

The entirety of the Apple Watch Series 4 experience boils down to one thing: the screen is remarkably larger and that alone makes everything better. It’s worth it to buy one or to upgrade to one just for the screen. I’ve been using a 44mm Apple Watch Series 4 GPS for one month, and I …

Should you buy an Apple Watch Series 4?

Enough time has passed since the Apple Watch Series 4 was announced that the initial excitement has completely cooled off, so it’s a great time to figure out if you should actually buy one. Luckily, impulse purchases are not an option. Apple quickly sold through their stock of the Series 4, so even if you …